Direct Gain Consulting, LLC

Resilient Energy Systems

The Direct Gain team provides timely information and advice to utilities, state governments, 

agencies, and regional planning authorities in systemic strategies for integrating renewables and 

energy storage into the grid at high penetration levels.  We are respected advisors on energy security 

from an all-hazards perspective.  We are experienced in designing and implementing renewable 

energy incentive programs and financing instruments.  Our team members have worked throughout 

the energy production and delivery system and understand the drivers of change. 


Our Services


Renewable Energy Program Development: design advice for systems, combining solar power with energy storage; strategic planning for utilities, communities, and states.



Our experts:

·         Mark Kapner - policy to drive utility RE programs

·         Joel Gordes - grid security planning

·         Richard Perez - policy tools including the Smart Feed-In Tariff

·         Jeremy Leggett - macro policy and strategy



Read about the Smart-Feed-in Tariff (Smart-FIT), a breakthrough policy option advanced